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Writer's pictureNeil Mckeown

London enjoys "what's not sh!#e!" Public Relations stunt

Updated: May 21, 2024

A digital screen with the phrase "Everything is NOT sh!#e!" went around London on Monday 15 January. The aim was to remind people there are lots of small joys in life and “Blue Monday” is a load of guff.

Digivan with "everything is not sh!#e!" on at Parliament
The Digivan at Parliament Square

The third Monday in January is said,  by travel firms mainly, to be the most depressing day of the year.

Neil Mckeown of Two-footed communications wants to change all that. He said: “This is about celebrating the small things that we can all take joy from in everyday life. That could be making a really great cup of tea, finding a fiver, a chippy tea - anything.  

“The van will hopefully raise a few smiles and get people thinking that, yes, life isn't all sh!#e. We also set up a website as a place where people can just add to the list with things that aren’t sh!#e!

“There’s a lot of moaning, and some of which is well placed, but as Ralphie from the sopranos said, a little levity? 

“This is not to make light of genuine hardship. It’s about the people moaning all the time who seem to be doing okay. It can be quite grating to see people, like me, who are in a fortunate position, bellyaching about nonsense all the time. The sort of people who think a long queue at passport control is the height of human suffering.”

Neil added that part of the aim of this project is to show potential clients what Two-footed can do for them. 

He said: “Two-footed is a Public Relations and communications agency that works creatively to get results. This project was a fairly small outlay, with the animation and stills designed in-house.

"We also had beermats printed (picture below), which we left in London pubs, and stickers with the same QR code which were dotted around, mainly on those rental bikes you see in London. We were able to track engagement from these things. We only had 50 of each done but about 70% of beermats and stickers got scanned. We offer an all-in-one digital PR, traditional PR, animation and basically whatever you need service." 

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